BugsCEP currently has a very simple update strategy.
All updates will be made available when ready.
BugsCEP is essentially two files - a program
and a database - which can be replaced with new versions
when they are made available. Program updates are not a problem,
and can just be copied over the old version. Database updates are
more problematic in that they involve the user exporting any countsheets
that they have added to their old copy, and then importing them
into the new file. If demand and funds are sufficient a proper update
system will be written.
Important updates to either the database or
program will be made available separately as well as in combined
packages. These will be posted on this
website. |
The current version of BugsCEP has been developed by, and is the
copyright of:
Philip Buckland - programming, websites and statistics.
Paul Buckland - data entry and testing.
BugsCEP is fully documented in Phil's PhD thesis:
Buckland, P.I. (2007). "The Development and Implementation
of Software for Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoclimatological Research:
The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (BugsCEP)". PhD thesis,
Environmental Archaeology Lab., Department of Archaeology &
Sámi Studies. University of Umeå, Sweden. Archaeology
and Environment 23, 236 pp + CD. Available online: http://www.diva-portal.org/umu/abstract.xsql?dbid=1105 |
The following individuals, through
either their involvement, specific data contributions, suggestions
or work, have been exceptionally helpful in some aspect of BugsCEP's
development (whether they realize it or not!):
Keith Alexander
Robert Angus
Arne Andersson
Allan Ashworth
Tim Atkinson
Simon Brewer
Stephen Brooks
Joan Buckland
Russell Coope
Andrew Duff
Roger Engelmark
Adrian Fowles
Malcolm Greenwood
Gunnar Gustavsson
Harry Kenward
Keith Kirby
Frank Koehler
Klaus Koch
Tom Korsman
Geoffrey Lemdahl
Anders Nilsson
Tina Nilsson
Johan Olofsson
Fredrik Olsson
Eva Panagiotakopulu
Dave Perry
Philippe Ponel
Mark Robinson
Jon Sadler
Peter Skidmore
Nicki Whitehouse
Umeå archaeology undergraduates 2001-2005
Forum Members:
Previous Bugs developers:
Yuan Zhuo Don
Mike Rains
Jon Sadler
The Genesys Solutions MSc team 2000-2001
And last but not least all the data contributors whose text
have been abstracted in BugsCEP, and without whom this project would
not have been possible. (There are well over a thousand of them,
so we'll not list them here). |
Publications about, citing or using Bugs & BugsCEP |
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and that it will only be updated sporadically. Apologies also for the inconsistent formatting. This list includes a number of references to older incarnation of Bugs, including Bugs2000 and online material which may no longer be available. Please contact us should you wish to locate such legacy data.
Publications about/using the SEAD project can be found here. More palaeo-insect references can be found through QBIB.
If you use BugsCEP in a project or publication then please email us so that we can add you to the list!
- Abellán, P., Benetti, C.J., Angus, R.B. & Ribera, I. 2011. A review of Quaternary range shifts in European aquatic Coleoptera. Global Ecology and Biogeography, (Global Ecol. Biogeogr.) (2011) 20, pp 87-100. http://molevol.cmima.csic.es/ribera/pdfs/abellan_etal2010_fossils.pdf
- Alexander, K. N. A. (2012). What do saproxylic (wood-decay) beetles really want? Conservation should be based on practical observation rather than unstable theory. Trees beyond the wood. Rotherham, I. D., Handley, C., Agnoletti, M. & Samojlik, T. Sheffield, Wildtrack Publ.: 33-46. (Acknowledged on p.43)
- Alexander, K. N. A. (2014). A review of the scarce and threatened beetles of Great Britain Buprestidae, Cantharidae, Cleridae, Dasytidae, Drilidae, Lampyridae, Lycidae, Lymexylidae, Malachiidae, Phloiophilidae and Trogossitidae. Species Status No.16. Natural England, Peterborough.
- Alexander, K. N. A. (2016). The British status of Silvanus bidentatus Fabricius (Silvanidae). The Coleopterist, 25, 135-138.
- Alexander, K. N. A. (2017). A review of the status of the beetles of Great Britain - The wood-boring beetles, spider beetles, woodworm, false powder-post beetles, hide beetles and their allies – Derodontidoidea (Derodontidae) and Bostrichoidea (Dermestidae, Bostrichidae and Ptinida)
- Alexander, K. N. A., Dodd, S. & Denton, J. S. (2014). A review of the scarce and threatened beetles of Great Britain. The darkling beetles and their allies Aderidae, Anthicidae, Colydiidae, Melandryidae, Meloidae, Mordellidae, Mycetophagidae, Mycteridae, Oedemeridae, Pyrochroidae, Pythidae, Ripiphoridae, Salpingidae, Scraptiidae, Tenebrionidae & Tetratomidae (Tenebrionoidea less Ciidae). Natural England, Peterborough.
- Altherr, G.W. 2007. From genes to habitats – effects of urbanisation and urban areas on biodiversity. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaflichen Fakultät der Universität Basel (PhD Thesis). http://edoc.unibas.ch/683/1/DissB_8084.pdf
- J. Arroyo, A. de la Riva-Caballero, J. C. Iturrondobeitia, J. M. Bermúdez de Castro, E. Carbonell, J. L. Arsuaga, C. Díez. 2007. Primera aproximacion a la Paleoentomología de los yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España): la fauna subfósil de Oribátidos (Acari, Oribatida). Graellsia, Vol 63, No 1 (2007):27-34 10.3989/graellsia.2007.v63.i1.77. http://graellsia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/graellsia/article/viewArticle/77
- Ashworth, A.C. 2001. Perspectives on Quaternary beetles and climate change. In, L. C. Gerhard, W. E. Harrison & B. M. Hanson (eds.) Geological perspectives of global climate change. American Association of Petroleum Geologists’ Studies in Geology, 47, 153-168.
- Bailey, Greg, Cassie Newland, Anna Nilsson, John Schofield, Steve Davis, and Adrian Myers 2009. Transit, Transition: Excavating J641 VUJ. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19(1):1-27.
- M.D. Bateman, P.C. Buckland, B. Chase, C.D. Frederick and G.D. Gaunt, (2008). The Late-Devensian proglacial Lake Humber: new evidence from littoral deposits at Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, England, Boreas 37, pp. 195–21
- Bain, Allison & King, Gary, 2011. Asylum for Wayward Immigrants: Historic Ports and Colonial Settlements in Northeast North America. Journal of the North Atlantic 2011 2 (sp1), 109-124. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.3721/037.004.s101
- M. Bárta, A. Bezděk, 2008 "Beetles and the decline of the Old Kingdom: Climate change in ancient Egypt", in: H. Vymazalová, M. Bárta, eds., Chronology and Archaeology in Ancient Egypt (The Third Millennium B.C.). Proceedings of the Conference Held in Prague (June 11-14, 2007), Prague 2008, 214–222.
- Bertran, P., Allenet, G., Fourloubey, C., Leroyer, C., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Maazouzi, Z., ... & Detrain, L. (2009). Paleoenvironnements tardiglaciaires en Aquitaine: la sequence alluviale de la Brunetiere (Bergerac, France). Quaternaire (Paris), 20(2), 161.
- Bertran, P., Allenet, G., Brenet, M., Chadelle, J.-P., Dietsch-Sellami, M.-F., Hébrard, J.-P., Madelaine, G., Mercier, N., Pasquet, V., Ponel, P., Queffelec, A. & Sirieix, C. (2016). Last Glacial palaeoenvironments at Lascaux, southwest France, with special emphasis on MIS 4 (Ognon II interstadial). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 449: 149-165.
- Bertran, P., Allenet, G., Brenet, M., Chadelle, J. P., Dietsch-Sellami, M. F., Hébrard, J. P., ... & Queffelec, A. (2016). Last Glacial palaeoenvironments at Lascaux, southwest France, with special emphasis on MIS 4 (Ognon II interstadial). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 449, 149-165. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018216000730
- Blake, M., 2017. Conservation Genetics of Saproxylic Beetles (Doctoral dissertation, Aberystwyth University).
- Boismier, W.A., Allison, E., Ardis, C., Banerjea, R., Batchelor, C.R., Dark, P., Dudgeon, K., Green, C.P., Henderson, E., Ladocha, J. and Weinstock, J., 2024. Investigation of Borrow Pit TEA28 BP3, Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, UK (NGR TL 3020 6779). Internet Archaeology, (67). https://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue67/23/
- Boswijk, G. & Whitehouse, N.J. 2002. Pinus and Prostomis: a dendrochronological and palaeoentomological study of a mid-Holocene woodland in eastern England. The Holocene 12,5 (2002) pp. 585–596. http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/webhome/rebecca/Fall2006/Fall%2006/journalClub/Boswijk2002.pdf
- BRADFIELD, J., 2023. Pilot study using fluorescence light microscopy to identify arthropod remains in archaeological sediments. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 78(219), pp.84-94.
- Branch, N. P., Whitaker, J., Matthews, I., Young, D., Pritchard, O., Elias, S., & Denton, K.
Examining the relationship between climate change and human activities in the wetlands of Ireland: Annual report; 5th December 2008 Irish National Strategic Archaeological Research (INSTAR) Programme 2008. http://www.heritagecouncil.ie/fileadmin/user_upload/INSTAR_Database/Climate_Change...Progress_Report_08.pdf
- Brewer, S, Jackson, ST, Williams, JW. 2012. Paleoecoinformatics: applying geohistorical data to ecological questions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27(2):104-112. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169534711002692
- Briant, M. & Bateman, M. 2009. Luminescence dating indicates radiocarbon age underestimation in late Pleistocene fluvial deposits from eastern England. Journal of Quaternary Science 24(8) 916–927. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1258
- Briant, R.M., Bates, M.R., Boreham, S., Cameron, N.G., Coope, G.R., Field, M.H., Hatch, B.M., Holmes, J.A., Keen, D.H., Kilfeather, A.A. and Penkman, K.E., 2019. Early Ipswichian (last interglacial) sea level rise in the channel region: Stone Point Site of Special Scientific Interest, Hampshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130(1), pp.1-26.
- O'Brien, C., Elliott, L., Cameron, N., Gidney, L. & Davis, S. (2012). Plant macrofossils, wood, diatoms, faunal remains and insect analysis. In, P. Arrowsmith & D. Power, Roman Nantwich: a salt-making settlement. Excavations at Kingsley Fields 2002, 152-173 + cd appendix.
- Brisset, E., et al. (2022). Contrasted Successional Trajectories in a Mediterranean Wetland due to Geomorphic- and Human-Induced Perturbations. Ecosystems.
- Britzius, S. and Sirocko, F., 2022. Subfossil Coleoptera from Eifel maar sediments as indicators of the environmental evolution in Central Europe over the last 60,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 596, p.110981.
- Brooks, S. J., & Langdon, P. G. (2014). Summer temperature gradients in northwest Europe during the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition (15–8 ka BP) inferred from chironomid assemblages. Quaternary International, 341, 80-90.
- Brown, F., Clark, P., Dickson, P., Gregory, R. and Zant, J., 2023, From Ancient Eden to a New Frontier: An Archaeological Journey along the Carlisle Northern Development Route, Lancaster Imprints 32
- Brouwers, N., 2008. Analysis of the ecological principles underpinning forest landscape restoration: a case study of wood cricket (Nemobius sylvestris) on the Isle of Wight (UK). PhD Thesis (PhD). Bournemouth University. http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/10448/1/Brouwers,Niels_Ph.D._2008.pdf
- Brouwers, N.C., Newton, A.C. 2009. Movement rates of woodland invertebrates: a systematic review of empirical evidence. Insect Conserv Divers 2, 10-22.
- Brown, A.G., Rhodes, E.J., Davis, S., Zhang, Y., Pears, B., Whitehouse, N.J., Bradley, C., Bennett, J., Schwenninger, J.L., Firth, A. and Firth, E., 2021. Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management. Quaternary Science Reviews, 260, p.106929.
- Buckland, P. C. 2009. Insect remains. In, C. Allen, Exchange and ritual at the riverside: Late Bronze Age life in the lower Witham valley at Washingborough, Lincolnshire, 107-112 + cd tables 5.11 & 5.14.
Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln), Monograph Series 1, Lincoln.
- Buckland, P.C. 2009. Insect remains. P. Daniel (ed.) Archaeological Excavations at Pode Hole Quarry: Bronze Age occupation of the Cambridgeshire fen-edge: 102-104. BAR British Series 484. Oxford: Archaeopress
- Buckland, P. C. An insect fauna from a block of daub from Heybridge Hall, Essex. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305496502_An_insect_fauna_from_a_block_of_daub_from_Heybridge_Hall_Essex
- Buckland, P.C., Buckland, P.I. & Hughes, D. 2005. Palaeoecological evidence for the Vera hypothesis?. In Hodder, K.H., Bullock, J.M., Buckland, P.C., & Kirby, K.J., Large herbivores in the wildwood and modern naturalistic grazing systems. English Nature Research Reports, No. 648.
- Buckland, P.C., Buckland, P.I. and Panagiotakopulu, E., 2018. Caught in a trap: landscape and climate implications of the insect fauna from a Roman well in Sherwood Forest. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10(1), pp.125-140.
- Buckland, P.C., Edwards, E., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Schofield, E. 2008. Land management at the bishop's seat, Garðar, medieval Greenland. Antiquity, Vol 082, Issue 315. http://www.antiquity.ac.uk/ProjGall/buckland315/
- Buckland P.C., Edwards K.J., Panagiotakopulu E., Schofield J.E. 2009. Palaeoecological and historical evidence for manuring and irrigation at Garðar (Igaliku), Norse Eastern Settlement, Greenland. Holocene 19:105–116. doi: 10.1177/0959683608096602. http://sphol.highwire.org/content/19/1/105.abstract
- Buckland, P. C., Hey, D., O’Neill, R., & Tyers, I. The Conisbrough Estate and the southern boundary of Northumbria. Environmental and archaeological evidence from a late sixth/early seventh century structure and a later deer park boundary at Conisbrough, South Yorkshire. http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paul...with.../32bfe50e73aa126aaf.pdf
- Buckland, P. C. & Panagiotakopulu, E. (2010) Reflections on North Atlantic Island Biogeography: a Quaternary entomological view. In, S.-A. Bengtson, P. Buckland, P. H. Enckell & A. M. Fosaa (eds.) Dorete – her book:– being a tribute to Dorete Bloch and to Faroese nature. Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis Supplementum 52, 187-215. Faroe University Press.
- Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Buckland, P.I. (2004). “Fossil insects and the Neolithic: Methods and potencial”. ANTAEUS 27, pp. 235-252. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/bucklandetal2004_antaeus.pdf
- Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Buckland, P.I. (2004). “What’s eating Halvdan the Black? Fossil insects and the study of a burial mound in its landscape context”. In J. Henning Larsen & P. Rolfsen (eds), Halvdanshaugen – arkeologi, historie og naturvetenskap. University Museum of Cultural Heritage, Occasional papers 3. Oslo University. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/bucklandetal2004_halvdan.pdf
- Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, P., Buckland, P.I., Perdikaris, S. & Skidmore, P. (2006). “Insect faunas from Medieval Langenes in Arctic Norway”. In Engelmark, R & Linderholm, J (eds), SMIA VIII – Proceedings from the VIII Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods In Archaeology, Umeå, Sweden, 2001. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/bucklandetal2006_langenes.pdf
- Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Sveinbjarnardóttir, G. 2009. A failed invader in the North Atlantic, the case of Aglenus brunneus Gyll. (Col., Colydiidae), a blind flightless beetle from Iceland. Biol Invasions, 11:1239–1245 DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9339-6
- Buckland, P.I. 2000. An introduction to Palaeoentomology in Archaeology and the BUGS Database Management System. Umea Universitet. Sweden. 62 pp. (Magister thesis). Available here: http://www.bugscep.com/phil/publications/buckland2000_cdpaper.pdf
- Buckland, P.I. (2007). “The Development and Implementation of Software for Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoclimatological Research: The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (BugsCEP)”. PhD thesis, Environmental Archaeology Lab. Department of Archaeology & Sámi Studies. University of Umeå, Sweden. Archaeology and Environment 23, 236 pp + CD. URL: http://www.diva-portal.org/umu/abstract.xsql?dbid=1105
- Buckland, P.I. 2008. Subfossil species. In Duff, A.G., Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles, 2008 edition. A.G. Duff, Wells, Somerset, United Kingdom. http://www.coleopterist.org.uk/checklist.htm
- Buckland, P.I. 2009. The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (BugsCEP): The Development and Implementation of Software for Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoclimatological Research. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. (PhD thesis reprint)
- Buckland, P.I. 2010. “SEAD - The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. An international research cyber-infrastructure for studying past changes in climate, environment and human activities”. Journal of Northern Studies. No.1 2010. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/Buckland2010_jns.pdf
- Buckland, P.I. 2010. “Environmental Archaeology, Climate Change and E-Science”. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbok, Thule. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/buckland2010_thule.pdf
- Buckland, P.I. (2011). Freeing information to the people. International Innovation, EuroFocus, 2011 Issue 4: Nordic Spotlight, pp. 51-53. Download here, or see the whole issue here
- Buckland, P.I. (2014). The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (BugsCEP) database: 1000 sites and half a million fossils later. Quaternary International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.01.030
- Buckland, P. I. 2014. SEAD - The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. Inter-linking multiproxy environmental data with archaeological investigations and ecology.. In: Graeme Earl, Tim Sly, Angeliki Chrysanthi, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Iza Romanowska & David Wheatley (Ed.), CAA2012, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, England.: . Paper presented at Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Amsterdam.
- Buckland, P. I. 2017. Lessons from extinctions. Wood Wise Woodland Conservation News, 22–27. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/mediafile/100819343/j-wt-200717-summer-2017.pdf?cb=f30a96a50b404614b0bbd0c330c44d9b
- Buckland, P.I., Bateman, M.D., Bennike, O., Buckland, P.C., Chase, B.M., Frederick, C., Greenwood, M., Murton, J., Murton, D. and Panagiotakopulu, E., 2019. Mid-Devensian climate and landscape in England: new data from Finningley, South Yorkshire. Royal Society open science, 6(7), p.190577.
- Buckland, P.I. & Buckland, P.C. (2002). “How can a database full of Bugs help reconstruct the climate?”. In Burenhult, G & Arvidsson, J (eds), Archaeological Informatics - Pushing the Envelope - CAA 2001 - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Proceedings of the 29th Conference, Gotland, April 2001. BAR International Series 1016. pp. 453-461. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/buckland&buckland2002_caa.pdf
- Buckland, P.I. & Buckland, P.C. 2012. Species found as fossils in Quaternary sediments. In Duff, A.G., Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles, 2012 edition. A.G. Duff, Wells, Somerset, United Kingdom. pp. 127-130. http://www.coleopterist.org.uk/checklist.htm
- Buckland, P. I., & Buckland, P. C. (2014). BugsCEP, an entomological database twenty-five years on. Antenna (Journal of the Royal Entomological Society), 38(1), 21-28. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261297772...or http://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:709837
- Buckland, P. I., & Buckland, P. C. (2018). Species found as fossils in Quaternary sediments. In Checklist of beetles of the British Isles : with a chapter on fossil beetles (3rd ed., pp. 171–174). Iver: Pemberley Books. Retrieved from http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-151143
- Buckland, P. I., Buckland, P. C. & Olsson, F. (2014). Paleoentomology: Insects and other Arthropods in Environmental Archaeology. In: In Smith, C., Lanteri, C., Reid, J., Smith, J. & Krauss, T.M. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: . Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
- Buckland, P. I., Buckland, P. C., & Olsson, F. (2018). Paleoentomology : Insects and Other Arthropods in Environmental Archaeology. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (2nd ed.). Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51726-1_2333-2
- Buckland, P.I., Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Sadler, J.P. (2004) “A Database for Egyptian Entomology”. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt, 81.
Abstract at http://www.ees.eg.net/bdf/New%20Folder/B-2004.pdf (page 13) http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/bucklandetal_Egbugs.pdf
- Buckland, P.I. & Buckland, P.C. 2006. BugsCEP Coleopteran Ecology Package. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2006-116. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. URL: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/insect.html
- Buckland, P.I. and Buckland, P.C., 2019. When a ‘Waterhole’Is Full of Dung: An Illustration of the Importance of Environmental Evidence for Refining Archaeological Interpretation of Excavated Features. Archaeometry.
- Buckland, P.I. and Buckland, P.C., 2023. Pitfall trapping at Gården Under Sandet (GUS) 1995, Western Greenland. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 70, pp.158-169.
- Buckland, P.I., Dell'Unto, N. and Pálsson, G., 2018. To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience. DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 12(3).
- Buckland, P. I. & Eriksson, E. J. (2014). Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD). In: Smith, C., Lanteri, C., Reid, J., Smith, J. & Krauss, T.M (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: . Springer Science+Business Media B.V..
- Buckland, P.I., Eriksson, E.J., Linderholm, J., Viklund, K., Engelmark, R., Palm, F., Svensson, P., Buckland, P.C., Panagiotakopulu, E. & Olofsson, J. 2010. “Integrating Human Dimensions of Arctic Palaeoenvironmental Science: SEAD - The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database”. Journal of Archaeological Science. Volume 38 (2), pp. 345-351. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2010.09.011. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/Bucklandetalinpress_jas.pdf
- Buckland, P.I., Olofsson, J. & Engelmark, R. 2006. SEAD – Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database, planning report. MAL Reports 2006-31. http://www.sead.se/seadplanningreport.pdf
- Buckland, P. I. & Sjölander, M. (2017). Blombocken avslöjar forntiden : Databaser. Populär arkeologi, (5), 28–31.
- Buckland, P., Sjölander, M., von Boer, J., Mähler, R. and Linderholm, J., 2022. The intricate details of using research databases and repositories for environmental archaeology data. ArcheoLogica Data, 2, 2022, 2, p.15.
- Buckland, P. I., Sjölander, M., & Eriksson, E. J. (2018). Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD). In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (2nd ed.). Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51726-1
- Buckland, P.I., Yuan Zhuo, D. & Buckland, P.C. (1997). “Towards an Expert System in Palaeoentomology”. In A.C. Ashworth, P.C. Buckland & J.P. Sadler (eds), “Studies in Quaternary Entomology - An Inordinate Fondness for Insects”. Quaternary Proceedings No.5, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. pp. 71-77. http://bugscep.com/phil/publications/bucklandetal1997_expert.pdf
- Böcher, Jens. 2012. Interglacial insects and their possible survival in Greenland during the last glacial stage. Boreas. DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00251.x
- Böcher, Jens, Bennike, Ole & Bernd Wagner. 2012. Holocene insect remains from south-western Greenland. Polar Research 2012, 31, 18367, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/polar.v31i0.18367
- Börjesson, L., 2021. Legacy in the Making–A Knowledge Infrastructural Perspective on Systems for Archeological Information Sharing. Open Archaeology, 7(1), pp.1636-1647.
- Candy, I., White, T. S., & Elias, S. (2016). How warm was Britain during the Last Interglacial? A critical review of Ipswichian (MIS 5e) palaeotemperature reconstructions. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(8), 857-868. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2910/full
- Caseldine CJ, Dinnin MH, Hendon D, Langdon PG (2004) The Holocene development of the Icelandic biota and its palaeoclimatic significance. In Housley RA, Coles G (eds) Atlantic connections and adaptations: symposia of the association for environmental archaeology, No. 21, Oxbow Books, pp 182–190.
- Crabtree, P.J., Reilly, E., Wouters, B., Devos, Y., Bellens, T. and Schryvers, A., 2017. Environmental evidence from early urban Antwerp: New data from archaeology, micromorphology, macrofauna and insect remains. Quaternary International, 460, pp.108-123.
- Davies, S. (2012). Invertebrate analysis. In, J. Proctor, Faverdale,Darlington: excavations at a major settlement in the northern frontier zone of Roman Britain, 158-160. Durham County Council, Durham.
- Davis, S. R. (2014) Insect remains. In, M. J. Randerson, A Late Iron Age and Romano-British site at Gale Common, North Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 86 , 67-69.
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